River Access for White Water Rafting on the Kaweah River
for Kaweah River rafting can be a touchy matter. Unlike most California
white water rafting rivers, all the land flanking the river is privately-owned.
In previous years, there have been clashes between property owners and
rafters; presumably because river runners acted in a disrespectful manner.
In an effort to maintain good relations with riverside property owners,
poaching put-in access in someone's backyard is strongly discouraged as
are riverside scouting or bathroom stops.
The most popular put-in point for private boaters is under the bridge by the Gateway restaurant on Highway 198. This is loosely considered private property so use discretion when putting-in here. Parking is limited at the bridge and not highly recommended. However, the Terminus Reservoir take-out offers plenty of parking space and is only twelve miles away. Running a bike shuttle is a feasible option.
Another put-in possibility is under Dinely Bridge on Dinely Road just off
Highway 198. This site is a little trickier as a "no trespassing"
sign is often posted. However, many rafters make a point of staying close
to the bridge when putting-in here and have not been bothered. There is
no parking at Dinely Bridge.
Images courtesy of All-Outdoors California White Water Rafting.